DeVANS starts production in UP, boosts capacity by 2 million cases

DeVANS starts production in UP, boosts capacity by 2 million cases
Photo - DeVANS
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Barely a year after significantly boosting its production capacity through production tie-ups in Arunachal Pradesh and Jharkhand, DeVANS Modern Breweries has now announced a new partnership in the heart of Uttar Pradesh. DeVANS, country’s oldest manufacturer of premium malt spirits as also a slew of award-winning beers, has entered into a production tie-up with Vairagi Brewery in UP’s Barabanki, further enhancing its production capacity by 24,000 KL, amounting to 2 million cases per year.

“Uttar Pradesh is a huge beer market and DeVANS was finding it increasingly difficult to feed the market to its full potential due to capacity constraints. The Vairagi production tie up would go a long way in helping us in meeting the demand for our beers in the State. It would also help us to avoid the additional costs of import duties and freight as also enhance our overall production capacity to 1,80,600 KL,” said Prem Dewan, chairman and managing director, DeVANS Modern Breweries.

The manufacturer of iconic beer brands like Godfather, Six Fields and Kotsberg, DeVANS owns two breweries - one each in Rajasthan and Jammu and has already been producing its beers in Arunachal and Jharkhand under production tie-ups in these States since last year. “The Vairagi tie-up is the third production tie up for the company and discussions are under way in two more States for such tie-ups. The company has also entered into a strategic tie-up with Tropical Breweries in Tamil Nadu which would start producing the company’s brands by November this year. The most remarkable thing about our tie-ups is that we have entered into these tie-ups with new, state-of-the-art breweries boasting excellent infra for producing quality beers."

DeVANS has been developing innovative products for introduction into the Indian market- Six Fields Cult is India’s first Belgian-style strong wheat beer, while Godfather Super 8- is India’s only beer with 8% ABV. Not just beers, DeVANS is also looking at expanding its spirits portfolio. DeVANS entered the Single Malt segment last year with the launch of GianChand single malt whisky, which garnered rave reviews. A couple of more single malt expressions with much higher maturity are planned for launch by December ’23, while a premium craft gin and a blended whisky are slated for release later next year.

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