Canned tomatoes - A must-have in the Indian kitchen
Photo - Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe

Canned tomatoes - A must-have in the Indian kitchen

Tomatoes are ubiquitous in Indian kitchens. We may come from any region, culture, or background, but these little red blobs of juice keep our food and energy going. There are so many region-specific delicacies based on tomatoes, be it shorba or rasam, thick or light gravies, stir-fries and dips, chutneys and achaars, eaten year-round.

But with many Indian dishes or condiments, the main concern is time: from choosing and buying, cleaning and cutting, preparing, and ultimately serving them.

At their best, the tomatoes are fresh, ripe, and juicy, with their squishy, plump pulp that creates the typical umami flavor that is so important to deliver an amazing result. Dish after dish, we wish to maintain the consistency of the "wow factor" as we serve it on a platter. But as any seasoned or even amateur chef has observed, if the quality of the tomatoes varies, which they do, because after all, it's a natural and seasonal product (sometimes we get a softer red variety, sometimes we get more of the tight green-patched ones), then the final taste of the dish can be remarkably different from one recipe to the next. 
Plus, there is always the factor of time! But there is a common solution to take care of all these and more!

Canned Tomatoes - A Must-have in the Indian Kitchen

But with canned tomatoes, you can guarantee they have been picked at their ripest and juiciest. Not just any canned tomatoes, but canned Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe.

Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe is the name of the EU (European Union) project to raise awareness of EU-preserved (canned) tomatoes 100% made in Europe. These canned tomatoes from Europe are produced by a traditional process that keeps intact all the flavor of the fruit intact, picked at the peak of their ripeness and aroma. 

With a production process perfected over time, Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe come in various forms - whole peeled, cherry, or chopped - bringing the finest quality European produce to our kitchen. The wholeness and goodness of canned tomatoes make such a tantalizing experience through their color and aroma. You have to see it to believe it, and we guarantee that once you have tasted the consistently rich quality of Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe, the flavor will be etched in your taste bud’s memory forever.

So without further ado, bring home that delicious can of Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe today. Create a simple and delicious meal by opening and pouring canned tomatoes without all unnecessary chopping, cleaning, cutting fresh tomatoes, and guessing if the taste will be up to your expectations. With Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe, the taste will always be reliable due to the consistent and guaranteed quality of the prime material. 

Preserved at their peak, Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe are always ready to use. If you are a passionate foodie, Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe are your best allies.

Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe are available in India in all modern retail outlets and eCommerce. Experience the delicious and wholesome world-acclaimed Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe for a healthy life!

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